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How to discuss on Performance Appraisal with your manager? 10 Points to help you get a better hike

During your appraisal discussion with your manager, it's important to cover various topics to ensure a comprehensive review of your performance and progress. Here are some key areas to discuss with my experiences:

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1. Accomplishments:

Highlight your key achievements and successes over the appraisal period. Discuss any significant projects you completed, goals you achieved, or challenges you overcame. Provide specific examples and quantify your accomplishments when possible.


2. Goals Review:

Review the goals you set in the previous appraisal period and discuss your progress toward achieving them. Identify any goals that were met or exceeded, as well as any goals that were not achieved and the reasons why.



3. Strengths and Areas for Improvement:

Discuss your strengths and areas for improvement based on feedback received from your manager, colleagues, and self-assessment. Be open to constructive criticism and demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow.


4. Skills Development:

Talk about any new skills you acquired or developed during the appraisal period. Discuss any training, courses, or professional development activities you participated in to enhance your skills and knowledge.


5. Career Development:

Discuss your career aspirations and goals for the future. Talk about your long-term career objectives and how you envision progressing within the organization. Seek guidance from your manager on opportunities for advancement or areas for further development.


6. Feedback and Support:

Request feedback from your manager on your performance and areas where you can improve. Ask for specific examples and actionable advice for how to address any identified weaknesses or challenges. Discuss any support or resources you may need to succeed in your role.


7. Recognition and Rewards:

Discuss any recognition, rewards, or incentives you received for your contributions during the appraisal period. Explore opportunities for additional recognition or rewards based on your performance.

8. Performance Expectations:

Clarify expectations for your performance in the upcoming appraisal period. Discuss any changes in roles, responsibilities, or objectives, and ensure alignment with your manager on priorities and goals moving forward.


9. Work Environment and Collaboration:

Share your thoughts on the work environment, team dynamics, and collaboration within the organization. Provide feedback on what is working well and areas where improvements can be made to enhance productivity and morale.


10. Action Plan:

Develop an action plan with your manager outlining specific goals, objectives, and milestones for the next appraisal period. Define clear steps for achieving your goals and identify any support or resources needed to support your development and success.

By covering these key areas during your appraisal discussion, you can ensure a productive and meaningful conversation with your manager about your performance, development, and career growth within the organization.


Feel free to share your positive strengths and weaknesses with your manager. You can also ask them to give honest review on how you are doing.

Let me know how would you have a discussion with your manager.

Attachments: Image 1

Category: Technical Solution | Views: 439 | Added by: shanky | Tags: ChatGPT, Performance, self review, engineering, appraisal, appraisal discussion, get better hike, IT (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) CONSULT, increment | Rating: 0.0/0

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