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Dear readers we have an assignment to do where we have to print a pyramid of numbers.

The user can enter a number as input and for that number as as range the pyramid of numbers should be printed.


So if the user enters 5, the number pyramid should look like this:


number pyramid

So we are going to write a proram to generate this pyramid pattern.

Basically we are going to use FOR loop to achieve this.

I have include the full tutorial here to create this program

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Category: Programming Languages | Views: 820 | Added by: shanky | Date: 2022-08-05 | Comments (0)

Unibasic programming provides two ways to run programs or commands. 

  • Command based (on TCL prompt)
  • Menu driven interface

With UniData MENUS, you can transform the UniData command line interface into a menu driven interface.

Menu driven option is a better option to run any command PROC or sentence in Unibasic.

The advantage of menu driven :

You can use a menu to support database security. For example, you can provide menus for users to access data entry programs and reports, while denying them access to the UniData prompt.

All menus are stored in MENUFILE , each UV account usually has a MENU ... Read more »

Category: Programming Languages | Views: 623 | Added by: shanky | Date: 2022-07-09 | Comments (0)

System monitoring and administration tools

-Common monitoring tool CCMS(Computing Centre Management System) to monitor alerts of R/3 system from an one place.

-Server side scripting in ABAP and Javascript.

-Use of Business server pages to build online stores and portals.

-Database monitoring and administration utilities

-Resource management like memory,buffer,etc. SAP basis

-Authorization and profile management tools for user management.

-Internet access control to the system and business objects.

-Transfer modifications in screen,program,layout from the development to production system for accuracy purpose by Transport Management System.

-Client server architecture and configuration.

-Graphical User Interface designing for the presen ... Read more »
Category: Programming Languages | Views: 346 | Added by: elenakretova2307 | Date: 2018-01-31 | Comments (0)

Hereby we shall try to understand a very basic program to send mail using python library smtplib

The smtplib in python defines a client object that can be used to send mail to any internet machine a SMTP listener daemon.


1. Create an SMTP object.

import smtplib


Note that host or port number are optional.

host: the server where SMTP is running. example: smtp.gmail.com

port number: the port number where SMTP server is listening.


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Category: Programming Languages | Views: 940 | Added by: shanky | Date: 2017-08-22 | Comments (0)

Hi Guys,

Today in this article we shall build up a small program to understand client -server communication using socket in Python.


Server side:

1. Create a socket:

socket(socket family, type(TCP/UDP), protocol)

-- Family or domain could be AF_INET or AF_UNIX

-- Type could be TCP: SOCK_STREAM or UDP : SOCK_DGRAM

-- Protocol is left bank, by default it is 0.


2. Bind socket

socket.bind(IPaddress, portNo)

-- bind the socket to a system's ip address and port ... Read more »

Category: Programming Languages | Views: 1166 | Added by: shanky | Date: 2017-08-19 | Comments (0)

Hello Guys

If you want to create a simple downloader or you want to learn the concept of background worker and progress bar , you must go through this basic article.

Here we are using a very simple example that will help you to understand these concepts. So we shall go steps by step.

  • First of all add a button to your Form to start download, a progress bar to show download progress and a background worker for background processing of download. A cancel download button is additional.




  • Set the following properties of background worker: Put below code on the load event of form or t ... Read more »
Category: Programming Languages | Views: 1939 | Added by: shanky | Date: 2015-09-15 | Comments (0)