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Forum moderator: shanky, Piyu, Resh  
Problem with mkdir command
shankyDate: Monday, 2014-11-17, 3:08 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 46
Awards: 0
Reputation: 104
Status: Offline
On behalf of Dipti Vyas

Hello , I am using currently cygwin for unix commands.
I tried the command as below :
cmd1>mkdir progs progs/progs1 progs/progs2
cmd2>cd progs1

However it is not accepting as of now the above command...and getting error message as "No such file or directory" ...

pls look into the same..and let me know

Requester email:[email protected]

Location:Bangalore, India
User environment: Browser: Chrome (38.0.2125.111)
OS: Microsoft Windows 7

shankyDate: Monday, 2014-11-17, 4:11 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 46
Awards: 0
Reputation: 104
Status: Offline
Hello Dipti

When you executed this command: mkdir progs progs/progs1 progs/progs2 , it created a folder progs and two subfolders progs1 and progs2 inside progs.

Then you did: cd progs1 which throws an error as  "No such file or directory"

The folder progs1 is inside the folder progs that is why you got this error. If you do cd progs/progs1
it will work.
If you are doing "cd progs1" from where you created these directories, you will get error because that folder is not there.

shankys@localhost:/home/shankys/test:> mkdir progs progs/progs1 progs/progs2
shankys@localhost:/home/shankys/test:> cd progs1
-bash: cd: progs1: No such file or directory
shankys@localhost:/home/shankys/test:> cd progs/progs1

I hope this answers your query. If you need any further help, reach me again.

Dipti VyasDate: Tuesday, 2014-11-18, 9:24 AM | Message # 3
Group: Guests

Hello, i did these commands in my system ...
mkdir fruits fruits/apple fruits/mango
cd fruits/mango .....
>till here it is correct..
cd fruits -->error
no such file or directory
cd fruits/apple ->error no such file or directory.

Can you please look into this?

Added (2014-11-18, 9:24 AM)
This is funny smile
Lets say u are at ur home directory: /home/dipti/
And u did : >>mkdir fruits fruits/apple fruits/mango

It created a folder fruits and two subfolders apple and mango inside fruits directory.
Now you did: >>cd fruits/mango which is correct

Now your present working directory is(pwd): /home/dipti/fruits/mango
And inside this directory, there is no fruits directory, that is why u got error when u did: cd fruits or cd fruits/apple

You need to understand what is your present working directory(pwd) and whre you r cd-ing to.

Please basic commands like cd, mkdir, ls etc.

Don't hesitate to reach out again for any further help
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