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Open System-Linux
Linux System questionare
This forum will help us explore our knowledge in Linux OS. You can start a discussion, raise a query on Linux or answer to an existing thread. The guests need to sign up to start or reply to a thread.
Forum moderator: shanky, Piyu, Resh
19 36
Thread: Help needed on sed command
Posted by: chinky772singh

IT Forum
Technical questionare on Computer languages
This forum is intended for discussion on all types of computer languages such as C, C++, Java, VB.Net, JQuery, HTML. You can ask any computer related questions, start new thread or answer a question.
Forum moderator: shanky
9 11
Thread: awikifpw
Posted by: awikifpw

SAP Questionaire
Complete Administrator of SAP Basis/Netweaver . Users/visitors can ask any questions related to SAP Basis administration
Forum moderator: sagar, Nitty
3 7
Thread: ALL New About SAP Netweaver ...
Posted by: shiv

Additional information
Visitors: 0  (members - 0, guests - 0)
All-time high attendance 53 reached on Thursday, 12:34 PM, 2014-11-13.
Forum statistics
Total of 31 threads created, which have 54 replies.
64 members registered. Greetings to our new member deepika29oct1990.